Lab Equipment

Lab Equipment

High Pressure Lab Autoclaves


High Mass Transfer Area Autoclaves are robustly built reaction vessels having magnetically coupled, seal-less agitator. These Autoclaves are provided with PID controlled electrical heating & cooling arrangements.

Flameproof or Non-flameproof control panels indicate pressure, temperature, agitator speed etc. with very high degree of accuracy. Also, these panels are fitted with alarms of high pressure & high temperature set points.

Safety accessories such as Rupture Disc & Safety Relief Valves provide safety while operating the equipment at very high.

Non-Stirred Reactors & Pressure Vessels

Non-Stirred-Reactors-&-Pressure-VesselWe can offers a wide range of non-stirred pressure vessels from 50 ml to 25 Litre capacities with max. Design pressure upto 400 bar & max. Design temperature upto 600° C for many high pressure, high temperature applications in R & D laboratories. Custom built non-stirred vessels can also be offered as per requirement & application.

High Pressure Non-Stirred autoclaves are same in design as High Pressure stirrable autoclaves except the motor & stirring assembly.


Mini Magnetic Couplings for Vaccum Distillation

mini-magnetic-couplings-for-vacuum-distillationMini Magnetic Couplings are designed to suit all kinds of laboratory stirring applications where maintaining full vacuum or inside pressure in the glass flask is absolutely necessary.

Presently R&D professionals use a gland packed glass shaft which cannot maintain desired positive or negative pressure in the glass flask. This results in very long distillation times, charring and polymerisation of material, longer reaction times etc. Due to these limitations of the current equipment, R&D professionals always have difficulty in generating accurate data with respect to various chemical processes.

High Mass Transfer Area Reactors

high mass transfer reatorHigh Mass Transfer Area Autoclaves are robustly built reaction vessels having magnetically coupled, seal-less agitator. These Autoclaves are provided with PID controlled electrical heating & cooling arrangements.

Flameproof or Non-flameproof control panels indicate pressure, temperature, agitator speed etc. with very high degree of accuracy. Also, these panels are fitted with alarms of high pressure & high temperature set points.

Safety accessories such as Rupture Disc & Safety Relief Valves provide safety while operating the equipment at very high