4 Essentials of Office Stationery You Must Have in your Supplies!

4 Essentials of Office Stationery You Must Have in your Supplies!

If you run an office or are in a managing and administrative position in an enterprise, then you need to make sure that your office supplies are always on point. However, that is never the case and every now and then, something or the other is missed out and then later regretted for.

To stop this from happening from the next time around, this blog is going to take a look at the 4 essentials that any office must have. Interested to find out? Let’s take a look now –

1. Stapler pins and staplers One or the other from this combo is always missing and it is close to indispensable in every sense of the word. Staplers and pins are a necessity in every desk – something without which the flow of work in the office can be seriously hampered.

Therefore, you should allot one pocket size stapler for every desk in your office and then one giant size to staple the bigger bundles at the photocopying machine – from where it is least likely to get misplaced.

2. Sticky Notes In today’s world of convention, sticky notes have become more important – maybe even more than note pads. The reason? Well, if you have ever heard of the proverb, ‘out of sight, out of mind’, then you must also know that it is very much applicable to work as well. Sometimes, if your subordinates forget about what they took down in the middle pages of their pad, they might not follow up on it.

3. Gems Clips Sometimes with sensitive documents, you cannot just use a stapler and on those occasions, gems clips are absolutely necessary. These are tiny clips that can be used to attach two or more documents and looks exactly like the ‘attach files’ icon on your mail. They come in different colors or steel and having plenty of them allotted to each employee is going to make a real difference in your office work flow for better.

4. Whiteboards and marker pens Good work can only come out of proper communications and demonstrations make the very base of it. If you want similar spirit of work at your workplace, then you have to utilize this for the better.
New whiteboards also serve as projector screens and you can use the marker to write down points that one should keep in mind. Just make sure that you have it in a conference room or an open space where holding meetings will be easy!